Moringa Tea

$ 3.00$ 18.00

  • TTD: $ 21.00 - $ 126.00

Moringa Tea has a very pleasant flavour, with light hay notes and no bitterness at all. It leaves a lightly sweet and somewhat vegetative aftertaste. Moringa is a leafy tree that originated in the Indian subcontinent where it is also known by a variety of names, including drumstick tree and tree pea.


This blessing has been brought to Trinidad & Tobago and by extension, the Caribbean islands, by Indentured labourers for traditional medicine, and dietary supplements. It has taken to the unique tropical climate and rich soil to develop a variation in flavour. Considerable research shows that Moringa has a host of benefits.


As a herbal beverage, Moringa Tea is nuanced with flickers of other flavour notes. We have been able to capture the lush Caribbean landscape in this beverage. Our sole ingredient is sourced from farmers that use no pesticides or chemical fertilizers in their cultivation.

Moringa contains many healthful compounds such as

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin), B-6
  • folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc

It also contains no harmful cholesterol.

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Tasting Notes

Flavour: Vegetative with layers of leafy spinach notes.

Aroma: Vegetative with layers of leafy spinach notes.

Colour: Emerald

Directions for Use

  1. Boil water
  2. Place teabag in a cup
  3. Pour hot water and let steep for 3-5 mins
  4. Remove tea bag and enjoy


A selection of dried Moringa Leaves


Weight N/A

Large, Medium, Small


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